Feb 1, 2013

It’s Not About the Money, Money, Money… Forget About the Price Tag!

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Hey Seniors:  Thanks Jessie J.  Your song is fun.  But… It’s FAFSA Time (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)!  This form is available on-line www.fafsa.govYou and your parent will answer questions about your income during the previous year, how many people live in your household and your assets.  This form is required to receive need-based aid from the college.  After you submit this form, FAFSA will contact you with your EFC (estimated family contribution).  Whatever is left over is your “need.”  The school then puts an aid package together that may include grants, loans, and campus job opportunities.  
Mrs. Vega-Rodriguez, our FAFSA guru, alerted the counselors that some schools have application deadlines as early as February to get aid for the 2013-14 academic year.  Some schools have rolling deadlines where aid is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.  Check out Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of the FinAid.org website.

If you need help with the FAFSA form, Glenbard North will have a FAFSA Completion Workshop on Saturday, February 2 at 10:30 am.  Another session will take place Saturday, February 9, at Glenbard East at 10:30 am.  There will be sessions in English and Spanish.

Mr. Kantrowitz warns prospective students about borrowing an amount greater than what you expect to take home your first year on the job.  You can check the Bureau of Labor Statistics website for median salaries of your future career.  You can also check on the Naviance careers tab under wages. Exhaust any federal loans first - they are a better deal.

Don’t rule out private schools because they can sometimes be more affordable with the financial aid packet they offer you.  It’s OK to start calling the financial aid office at the colleges you are considering with your questions and about scholarships they might offer.  Also consider two years of COD or another community college where tuition is very reasonable and you can complete your general requirements, then transfer to a four-year school.

Naviance has an extensive list of scholarships that you can peruse.  You may need to fill out a green transcript request form to give to your counselor if they need to send a transcript.  Check Fastweb.com also and don’t forget about the Local Scholarship Form available now in guidance and online.

                                                                                    Cha-ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching
                                                                                    GW College Coach