Dec 9, 2014

Boys in Football Helmets Talk about College

Boys in Football Helmets Talk about College

Hey Seniors!  College Coach is in awe of so many of you who are accomplishing great things beyond just keeping up your grades, whether it be winter sports, theater and music productions, and clubs and organizations that help others.  It’s inspiring.  I have been marveling at the hard work and intense focus and success of the Hitters, providing all of us with a shared excitement and pride.  So I sat down with four Hitters – they took off their helmets so they could hear me and respond. 

So first, the perks of being a Hitter.   A few Hitters got to go the Bears game a few weeks ago.  I believe it was their presence that helped the Bears win. Thousands of Bears’ fans got to see the Hitters on the Jumbotron!  Also, probably most exciting, Jack K. walked into Portillo’s Saturday after the Hitters’ win to a STANDING OVATION.   Then he ordered Italian Beefs for everyone!  (No, he didn’t.)

The Hitters all agree that their brotherhood is first and foremost and this season is the highlight of their high school years.  Kyle expressed that making it to the semifinals was a relief.  His great grandfather played in the Glenbard West championship game in 1926!  His father was in his high school championship game when he lived in Colorado and was an all-state quarterback.  This accomplishment means a lot to his entire family.

When asked if the motivation for success on the field translated to his class work, Kyle thought that it definitely did help because you schedule your time and then stick to it.  His grades have been decent.   Jack K. agrees that his schedule was tight during the season.  He started homework at 9:30pm and worked until 11:00pm.  Spencer, who was injured, was still involved with everything the football team was doing but also had to go to physical therapy.  His secret was not to procrastinate.  Jack L.  had a different philosophy.  He came home, ate for an hour, took a two-hour nap, THEN did his homework.  He is happy he took a study hall for first semester because he got a lot done there.

How are they coping with COLLEGE STRESS?  Kyle says that it was hard to think about because his 1st priority in a season like this had to be football.  Jack K.  says he almost never thought  about college because he had to learn the offense AND the defense.  This made his head hurt.  Jack L. thought about college after the games and on Sundays.  Spencer hates thinking about it still but his mom makes him.

Who has been the most helpful in helping manage the college application process?  Kyle says that his dad reminds him every day.  Jack K. credits his mom and Google Chrome.  He loves the auto fill feature that cuts the work in half.  Jack L. says his dad is stressing him out but he appreciates the guilt trips, especially when his dad asks, “Do you WANT to go to college?”  The Hitters were clearly moved when discussing their parents.  It was a sweet moment.

So what does the future hold for these accomplished student athletes?  Spencer and Jack L. aren’t sure yet about playing football in college.  Spencer, as he continues to heal from his injury may either Wrestle or play Lacrosse at West next season.  Jack K. would like to play, possibly D3, at Washington University or University of Chicago.  Kyle would love to play as well and is waiting for news from Drake or Miami of Ohio. 

Congratulations to all of the Hitters and their coaches for an outstanding season! 


GW College Coach

Oct 22, 2014

Girls in Pajamas Talking About College

Girls in Pajamas Talking About College

Hey Seniors! So Homecoming spirit days have come and gone but I had a delightful conversation last week with five comfortably-clad senior girls all clutching teddy bears and stuffed rabbits.  They were sitting in the Counseling Office waiting for the representative from University of Delaware who was very late.  The talk turned to the aggravation and stress of the college application process.

Melissa told the story of how at her lunch table someone had mentioned that the Green transcript request forms were due that day for the November 1st Early Action college deadlines. (They weren’t due that day but they are due NOW!)  She spit out her food and ran to see her school counselor, filling out green sheets as she climbed up the stairs. She was very relieved to hear she still had time and her counselor asked her to spread the word so that other seniors wouldn’t freak out.  “It’s too late” she said.  “Two of my friends are in their counselors’ offices right now in full panic mode.”

Strangely, Rolling Admissions ( deadline is ongoing) is causing undue stress because Morgan says that she is getting nearly DAILY EMAILS from her college reminding her to send in her transcript as soon as possible.  Melissa says that University of Minnesota is starting to send her emails in all caps:  SEND YOUR TRANSCRIPT NOW OR WE CANNOT GIVE YOU AN ADMISSION DECISION!!!!  It’s getting intense out there.

When I asked if the girls were enjoying Homecoming week their eyes twinkled a bit but then the shadow of Early Action deadlines passed over them and they collectively sighed and hugged their stuffed animals a little closer.

Samantha and the other girls expressed dismay at the short week (3 days of school) and all that they had to finish:  college essays and applications plus school work  and, of course,  homecoming activities.  Hopefully, they were able to enjoy the cool stuff like the bonfire, senior skit, and homecoming dance.

Abbey and Morgan talked about their parents’ involvement in the process.  Some of the girls thought their parents had STRONGLY ENCOURAGED them to get their essays done over the summer.  Others said that they wished that their parents had nagged more.  Morgan thought she would have been further along in the process by now which worries her.

Meghan’s green sheet philosophy is she will turn in a green sheet if she falls in love with the college when she visits – you have to love that!

So seniors, the worst thing you can probably say to your friends right now is “YOU HAVEN’T DONE THAT YET”? Instead, help and encourage each other.  You will get through this and next year at this time you will be smiling, taking in the Fall colors on the campus of your dreams, on your way to your 11:00am class.


GW College Coach

Apr 16, 2014

You’ve Been Admitted to More Than One College!!

Hey Seniors: 

May 1st is the National Candidates Reply Date.  No college can require you to commit to attending, with the exception of Early Decision or NCAA athletic scholarship programs.  You have until May 1st to decide.  If you truly feel you cannot make the decision by        May 1st, call your colleges for an extension.  They may grant you one.

How to Make Your Decision

There is no one perfect college.  Your college experience will be what you make of it.  Know that it will be an exciting, meaningful and pivotal time of your life!
  • Ask questions – create a list of questions you still have about the colleges you are  considering      
  • Get Answers (college admissions reps, current students, college website)
  • Visit or revisit campus if possible
  • Think things over.  (Step away from the process —get outside)
  • Compare financial aid offers.  (Determine exactly what your out-of-pocket cost will be  to attend each school.)
  • Finally, ask yourself at which college can you imagine yourself as most successful and happy?
Here’s what you will sing on May 2nd:

Clap along if you feel like a room without a view
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you want to do

C’mon admit it—you are not sick of this song!!
GW College Coach

For more decision-making ideas check out and

Mar 12, 2014

Did I Get In?!

What to do while waiting for your colleges to respond …

According to the National Association of College Admissions Counselors’ research, the top three stressors in the college admissions process are:

Application Essays              71%
ACT/SAT                             64%
Waiting for Responses        60%
from universities                  

So you can check off the first two, but some of you are waiting to hear and won’t hear until April.  If you are on a wait list, the anxiety is even greater because you may not even hear in April.  Counselors are still available for you if you are really stressed.  We can help process your anxiety with you.  Sometimes just talking to a trusted adult can help.

Other Stress Reducers:
·      Play with your dog (or ferret or fish)
·      Listen to your music
·      Breathe deeply
·      Nurture supportive relationships
·      Make a list of things that make you happy
·      Try yoga
·      Visualize your acceptance!
·      Do some volunteer work
·      Take some pictures
·      Do something you liked to do as a child
·      Say “no” to some requests
·      Stop worrying about what you can’t control
·      Get enough sleep
·      Really listen when someone is talking to you
·      Go on a bike ride or hike
·      Laugh

In short,  Live Your Life.  It’s going to work out!

                                                                                                                        GW College Coach

Next Blog:  You’ve Been AcceptedHow do You Choose?