Nov 20, 2013

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

G’ Day Seniors!

Holy Dooley! (an exclamation of surprise in Australia).  It’s a stressful time for you:  Green Transcript Request Forms, Naviance, Senior Profiles, Deadlines, Essays, Studying for tests, Competing in Sports, Clubs, Volunteering, Homework.  Your parents might be STRONGLY ENCOURAGING you to get stuff done and your counselors are STRONGLY SUGGESTING you complete stuff NOW.

Here’s why it’s all WORTH IT ... Mia and her Koala friend are studying abroad in Sydney, Australia -- halfway around the world.  Mia is the subject of the first several GW College Coach blogs (Read from the beginning to hear her story).  She is from a local western suburban high school and is attending University of Wisconsin, Madison.  She left for Sydney at the end of July (Australia’s winter) and at the end of her long flight she was a day ahead of the U.S.  We hope she tells us cool things that are happening since she lives in THE FUTURE!

“Studying abroad is the most unique experience you can have not just in college, but it is one of the greatest opportunities of your life.  I stop every once in a while and realize that I am all the way around the world; having the time of my life in a place I never thought I’d be.  I’ve had experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life.  I’ve had the most fun I’ve ever had with people I would never have had the chance to meet back in America.  I don’t know why anyone would ever pass up an opportunity to have this much fun.”                                                Sent from Mia’s iPhone.  

Almost every college has study abroad programs.  The choices are abundant and the experiences you have will be extraordinary.

And now, final words from Dr. Seuss, who was from Australia!  (not really)

“You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.  You’re on your own.  And you know what you know.  And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”

Hooroo for now,
GW College Coach

Next blog from GW correspondents from Notre Dame and U of I!