Hey Seniors: This time of the year most of you have been admitted SOMEWHERE. Some of you will find out late March, early April if you got in. It’s a stressful and happy time, but suddenly this whole college thing is VERY REAL. How do you decide which college is best for you? Hopefully you have visited most of your colleges. If not, you are allowed college visit days and now would be a great time to call admissions to arrange a visit - sit in on classes, talk to professors in your major, stay overnight. If financial aid is a concern, call the financial aid office at your colleges to discuss your financial situation to make the best decision for you. Be careful to not over extend with college loans. This can cause even more stress.
A “great match” for you may include a few different colleges. Martha O’Connell, Director of Colleges that Change Lives, says “The key to success in college and beyond has more to do with what students do with their time in college than where they choose to attend.” Think about the happy, successful people in your own lives. They can be your family members, co-workers, older friends and neighbors. Ask them if they went to college and where. Have a conversation about their experiences. People love talking about their college lives. Talk to your counselor as well. They can brainstorm pros and cons with you.
Don’t forget that some of you may be also planning on Graduate School. This way if you are having trouble deciding, one of your colleges could be your graduate experience and then you have the opportunity to experience both. Also consider: David Breneman, Professor of Economics at University of Virginia, believes, “Performing well at a good but not highly prestigious college may give a student a better chance of getting into graduate school than getting lost in the middle of the pack at a highly selective institution.”
Ms. Sue Sanders, retired college counselor at West advises, “Once you are in college, be sure to balance social life and grades. Keeping your GPA at 3.0 (4.0 scale) in college ensures a better chance at college internships.” Her son is currently a student at Iowa State.
COLLEGE ADVICE CONTEST! Email your college application process advice for current juniors who are just beginning the process. If we use your advice in an upcoming blog, you will receive a cool prize. Email your advice to Ms. Lubiniecki:
chris_lubiniecki@glenbard.org and she will share your advice with me. Winners advice will appear in an upcoming blog. Good luck!
GW College Coach